Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The GRAPA Community Matters

If you have been eagerly awaiting the next blog on rationalization, then I am afraid I will have to disappoint you for one more day. Last night (those of you from the U.S may know what I am talking about) I found reruns of a television series called Cheers. As I was watching, the opening song especially caught my attention. The lyrics “You want to be, where you can see/Our troubles are all the same/You want to be where everybody knows your name” started me thinking about what it means to have a place where everyone can relate to each other through a commonality – a community, in the truest sense of the word.

If you couldn’t tell from my first two posts, I find the idea of a cohesive community, as place to identify, relate, and interact with others who are like you to be a truly AWE-some concept and a powerful resource. Especially for revenue related professionals who (I have heard) may not always view the telecoms universe from the same perspective as other Telco players, a space to learn about, share with, and bounce ideas off of similar people can make life a heck of a lot less overwhelming. So for that reason, I want to dedicate this post to the Members of GRAPA, and the impressive community network they have provided for each other.

As a part of the GRAPA team, I spend some of my time following GRAPA’s LinkedIn page, and following the discussions between members. For starters in the past few months alone, there have been over 25 separate discussions started, where multiple members have provided feedback or assistance to an issue raised by another community member. But more important than a number, is the camaraderie that radiates from each of the threads. There is an intangible, but obvious sense of “yes, I understand, and I have been there too,” that stems from most of the member-to-member communication. This speaks volumes about the atmosphere of the revenue community GRAPA members have created for each other, and the inspiring way members have stood up for each other and what it means to be a Telco Revenue Professional.

So, for today, I want to recognize just how special the GRAPA community has become, and acknowledge all of our members who have done so much to make this such a valuable space for Telco revenue professionals.

1 comment:

  1. As GRAPA's Marketing Manager, I wanted to just reiterate just how great the GRAPA Community really has become through Social Networking. We have an extensive and growing network on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and our blogs are getting more and more hits each month! In fact, if you wanted to find out more about the different Social Networking and other programs that GRAPA offers to members in order to expand our community, download the new GRAPA Member Programs Guide for 2010, available here: http://grapatel.com/A-GRAPA/01-Home/Literature/GRAPAMemberPrograms2010_0610_lr.pdf.
